What It Takes to Be Rich and Successful

Date Published: Oct 09, 2024

Everyone wants to be rich. Even the wealthiest people in the world want more. But how do you make it happen? The secret to what it takes to be wealthy and successful is adopting mindful habits. Here are some of the most important ones.

Key Takeaways

  • Pay off all your high-interest debt to help you save money.
  • Save three to six months’ living expenses in your emergency fund to avoid debt.
  • Increase your income to help you get rich faster.
  • Invest in your retirement plan as soon as possible.
  • Live below your means, even when you are successful. 

Pay Off Your Debts

Consider debt your enemy. It is often the biggest hurdle standing in your way of getting rich. This is especially true if you have high-interest bills like credit card debt. (But having responsible levels of good debt, like a mortgage, shouldn’t be a problem.)

pool with panoramic windows and view to the sea

Have a plan to crush your debt as soon as possible so you can set yourself on the right track. One of the most effective ways to overcome high-interest debt is following the debt avalanche method. In this method, you will put as much as possible each month toward your high-interest debt and make minimum payments on the rest. You continue doing this until you have paid in full.

Once that’s out, you move on to your second (now first) high-interest loan. You continue doing this until you have paid off all your debts. 

Don’t forget to make the required payments on your lower-interest debt, like your mortgage. Missing payments won’t help you get rich faster, as it can lead to fees, damage to your credit, and more severe penalties down the road.

Build an Emergency Fund

Having an emergency fund will help you prevent falling back into debt. But what is it exactly? It is highly liquid cash that is easily accessible when you face an emergency. So, you go for your emergency fund instead of using your high-interest credit card when your car breaks down.

Financial experts recommend you have enough money to cover three to six months of your expenses in your emergency fund. It may take time to build it, so you need to start now if you want to get wealthy fast. Every contribution counts. You could also consider opening a high-yield savings account to help you get there quicker.

Make More Money

The more money you make, the faster you’ll become rich. That’s just simple logic. There are many ways you can earn more money. Start with your current job and ask for a pay increase. You could also take on more hours to make more. If none of these are possible, consider a career change. If necessary, get additional training to qualify for higher-paying positions.

Beyond your current job, you could take on a side gig or even start a small business. The amount you make can go towards paying off debt or building your emergency fund.

Start Investing

One of the best ways to get rich is through investing. It can outpace the rate of inflation and significantly increase your net worth. The sooner you start, the quicker you will become rich. 

If your employer offers a 401(k) or a similar tax-advantaged retirement plan, start from there. You can set up automatic contributions with each paycheck. Also, ask your employer if they will also match your donations. This can help you when saving for your retirement, making you rich faster.

If your employer doesn’t offer a retirement plan, you can independently start a traditional or Roth IRA. The main difference between the two is that with a traditional IRA, you can deduct your contributions but have to pay income tax when you withdraw the funds. With a Roth IRA, you won’t qualify for tax deduction, but you can withdraw your funds tax-free at retirement. 

Financial experts recommend you contribute at least 10% of your salary to your retirement plans. They also encourage you to increase your contribution as you get a raise and make more money. 

Once you have set up your retirement plan and have extra money, consider investing in real estate, stocks, and ETFs. Whatever you do, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your investments as much as possible to protect yourself from too much risk.

Live Below Your Means

As you find yourself becoming rich, beware of lifestyle inflation. What’s that? It’s a dangerous consequence of making more money. The more money you make, the more you may feel the urge to spend it. This is because you can now afford things you couldn’t before, like a down payment on a fancy car or a luxurious vacation.

At the same time, living below your means allows you to save even more money. So, save and invest instead of spending your money, taking an example from the world’s richest superheroes.

How do people become rich? They don’t take on high-interest debt. They are also prepared for life’s uncertainties and have an emergency fund ready. They work, save, and invest to grow their wealth. Most importantly, they live below their means and don’t spend money on unnecessary things that won’t make them richer.

Senior Content Creator, Financial Analyst
James Robinson is a Financial Analyst with 12+ years of experience. Specializing in investment strategies, risk management, and financial planning, James helps clients make informed decisions.

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